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3424 Pauger St, New Orleans, LA 70119

Programs and Services

a crime prevention community outreach organization

Learn to communicate and provide feedback e ectively. Learn to accept and respect different points of view.

8-week leadership and mentorship training curriculum.

A mentor is an advisor, teacher, counselor and role model. Our program matches one mentor per every four mentees. Mentors help mentees to achieve goals, succeed in school, or prepare mentees for the workforce through one-on-one relationships that are non-threatening and non judgmental to both parties.

Mentoring may take place at any age and in di erent types of settings, including schools, workplace, or home. Typically, the mentor provides guidance, organize community events, facilitates the transition from school to work readiness, serves as a role model, counsels on di erent topics of concern, or o er insights and perspective on the world, relationships or any topic of interest to the mentee.

To accelerate the personal and professional development of mentees. Whether it’s through one-on-one mentoring, reverse mentoring, or peer mentoring. Mentees develop new skills, an opportunity to express themselves in a safe environment, growth in confidence, listening skills, intrapersonal communication skills, organization, and time management, as a part of our 8-week workforce readiness curriculum.

Successful Completion Certificate
Mentee of the Month
Community Service Award
Mentee Honors Award

S.R.S Trailblazer Mentorship

Our amazing team of regulars and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!

Make A Donation

Your donation helps us achieve our goals of crime prevention, entrepreneurial training, 6 week curriculum based job readiness program, counseling, critical thinking methods, and recreational activities.

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